- -10%

Size: 52cm / 46cm / 36cm
New bar from Nobile Sports
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We prepared a totally new construction, eliminating all bugs that we discovered over all these years of tests.
Control Stick is a fully aluminium clean and simple bar that delivers more than enough comfort and control to every user. This product fully comply ISO 21853 standard, which is a large step forward for us.
Available in three sizes: 52cm 46cm 36cm- this one comes with larger freestyle chicken loop.
Most important features are two different sizes of Trip loops to deliver a right type to all kinds of riders. New ISO patented quick release, very simple to reconnect. New ROTO HUB that will help you get your lines straight after spinning one too many times. Another important feature is a smooth roller for deposed line, this part will ease your de power adjustment by far. Adjusting depower once riding haven’t ever been so easy before. Same with new lock system for de power line, with a smart velcro grip the deposed line won’t tangle around your face no more.
Thanks to integrated EVA bar floats, the control stick will float on top of the water no matter what.
New bar opening made out of marine grade stainless steel combined together with single PU coated line ,gives even more control and bar feel than ever before.
Bar comes with 23 meter Liros DC 401 lines, Kite leash and Bar Bag.